April 6, 2021

Structured logs

Naturally collected logs Any application, be it large or small, benefits from collecting information about operations that occur inside of it, most commonly in the form of logs. Our platform is no exception and we too collect and store in...

March 31, 2021

Process-driven programming language – Petriflow

Introduction Netgrif application engine, a part of the Netgrif platform, is built to interpret programs of the language Petriflow. Petriflow is a high-level programming language for process-driven application development. Petriflow follow...

March 9, 2021

The journey from v1 to v5 of NAE (release of v5.0.0)

We are really happy that we can announce the release of NAE version 5.0.0. Over time, many new features and functionalities were implemented into the application engine. The latest major release is essential for us and we have to share it...

February 1, 2021

Loose coupling web services of NAE

NAE is an end-to-end web application platform based on state-of-the-art open-source and source-available technologies. Two technologies that cover presentation and application layers are Angular and Spring framework. The dynamics of these...

December 16, 2020

Tools, rules and mythology

Organizational resilience and Covid-19 Recent researches (McKinsey and  IBM Institute for Business Value to name a few) suggest that Covid-19 pandemic change CEO’s priorities – resilience of an organization now occupies top spots...