September 22, 2021

Netgrif Application Engine BPM 2021 in Rome

This paper summarizes the capabilities of the Netgrif Application Engine – a tool for interpreting Petrinet-based models enriched by data, roles and actions reacting to events on process and data Published and presented at BPM 2021 ...

May 25, 2021

Micro Frontends

What is the problem? What is the best way to implement a single page application if the backend is based on the microservice architecture? Make the frontend that can dynamically change its content. Over the time frontend layer, devel...

May 24, 2021

Petriflow fundamentals

Petriflow fundamentals “The Petrifow language was created for purpose of taking advantage of the simple nature of Petri nets and extend them to meet any requirements of the real-life business modelling.” (From the article about P...

May 5, 2021

PDF Generator

Introduction The world of business cannot imagine office work without PDF format files. After the year 1993 when this format was invented, many tools, which provide features to create PDF files using predefined templates and fillable fiel...

April 28, 2021

Configurable web application

Introduction What should you expect from this blog? As the headline indicates we work on a concept of a configurable web application. A concept in which you just configure your frontend application in a frontend builder or in a config fil...

April 20, 2021

Live data application

Introduction We are going to look at our platform from the point of view of the data and how our design choices influence the data that are created. Then we will look at how this data changes when we interact with the application. Lastly,...